AV Manager Display System 3.0

Program Specifications

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AV Manager Display System 3.0
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Version: 3.0
Size: 8.29 MB
Publisher: Viscom Software
Date Added:
License [?]: Freeware
Operating System: Windows XP, Windows 2000
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Publisher's Description of AV Manager Display System

" Information / multi-media display system. "
- From Viscom Software

AV Manager 3.0 supports VIDEO, IMAGE, SCROLLING TEXT, WEB PAGES and POWERPOINT. Screen splitting, online update schedule and group a number of contents with a sequence of playlist.

AV Manager 3.0 by Viscomsoft is a simple and easy Information / Multi-media Display System. It can operate multiple display units (LED / LCD displays, Plasma TV, Projectors, Bulletin or Videowall) remotely across a network (LAN / WAN or Internet).

AV Manager 3.0 can be applied at shopping malls, departments, retail shops, club houses, transportations, bar & restaurants, banks, surveillance system, cinemas and showcases, schools & universities, airports and train stations, etc.

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video   |  image   |  multi   |  media   |  player   |  display   |  system   |  led   |  lcd   |  plasma   |  tv   |  projectors   |  bulletin   |  videowall   |  lan   |  internet   


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