HTML Reminder 7.0.3

Program Specifications

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HTML Reminder 7.0.3
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Version: 7.0.3
Size: 1.11 MB
Publisher: Shashanka
Date Added:
License [?]: Freeware
Operating System: Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 98, Windows 2000
Requirements: Internet Explorer 5.0 or above, Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime Files
Download Links: Download HTML Reminder
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Publisher's Description of HTML Reminder

" Get reminded in a simple way! "
- From Shashanka

Terrible in remembering important dates and events? No problem! Enter all the dates and events in HTML Reminder and generate a JavaScript based HTML page. Set the HTML page as your Desktop Wallpaper which will remind you as many as 25 days prior! 0% of your computer's memory will be used unlike other Reminding software available on the Internet!

HTML Reminder is loaded with features! You can easily customise the HTML page which you set as wallpaper. You can change fonts, colours, background and many more to suite your style and to make your Desktop funky as well as useful!

With HTML Reminder you decide what you want on your Desktop and where you want them. You can easily position the elements which will be displayed on your screen. With inbuilt preview you know the output even before it is written!

The clean and simple interface of HTML Reminder makes it easy for everyone to use.

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anniversary   |  birthday   |  calendar   |  date   |  desktop   |  diary   |  event   |  html   |  important   |  manager   |  oranize   |  planner   |  remind   |  reminder   |  time   

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