Forecast the impact of billing fee changes on Revenue, Profit and Clients.
Format QuickBooks Profit and Loss data for review and automated budget creation.
Flexible streamlined budget creation with preset formulas to minimize inputs.
Business valuation, 3 year forecast, calculated valuation and investment return.
Decision support for planning, budgeting, operational, and investment decisions
Develop a 3 year forecast and 12 month budget with Sensitivity Analysis.
Easily build single file web forms, hidden emails, extensive options, no CGI.
Use the GoldMine Database WebImport function to import form submission data.
Automatically import web form submission data directly into a MYSQL database.
Easily analyze the performance of any investment to maximize returns.
Compact easy to use server (web) based email mailer designed for small business.
Easily add password protection to a web page, secure and reliable.
Format monthly MYOB Profit and Loss data, flexible review, automate budgeting.
Test price changes, determine optimum pricing and breakeven for your business.
Identify the true costs and profit associated with your products and suppliers.
Maximize overall profit by optimizing resource use, for products or services.
Profit Contribution Breakdown identifies the components of your business profit.
Calculate the number of service staff to minimize service and waiting costs.
Build a roster to your specifications with automatic staff allocation, easily.
Build a dynamic CMS web site with automatic RSS Feeds, Meta Tags and valid XHTML
Dynamic sitemap generator for Google, RSS, HTML and Text site maps.
Display and highlight the web page source code including all html and php code.
Define your staff roster schedules and calculate your wage costs with ease.