Free software downloads tagged with versions

Software Listings

Download Sync Database MySQL Edition
Easy solution to compare and sync MySQL databases.
Added on Nov 6, 2005
Version 2.4
License [?] : Shareware
File Size : 3.31 MB
Downloads : 548
Download FileBack PC
Fast, easy, automated backup and synchronization utility.
Added on Jan 8, 2006
Version 4.0
License [?] : Shareware
File Size : 1.48 MB
Downloads : 72
Download EasyVersionControl (Excel Version Control)
Excel spreadsheet designed to control the version information for distributed Excel files.
Added on Mar 4, 2006
Version 9.9
License [?] : Shareware
File Size : 353 KB
Downloads : 183
Download Internet Explorer Application Compatibility VPC Image
For testing websites with different Internet Explorer versions on Windows XP and Windows Vista
Added on May 14, 2010
Version 4.2
License [?] : Shareware
File Size : 700.00 MB
Downloads : 721
Download TortoiseCVS
Work with files under CVS (Concurrent Versions System) version control directly from Windows Explorer.
Added on Jun 2, 2010
Version 1.10.10
License [?] : Open Source
File Size : 25.70 MB
Downloads : 212
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