I Hate This Key Deluxe Edition 3.0
Program Specifications
Publisher's Description of I Hate This Key Deluxe Edition
" Block Win Logo key when playing game, Caps Lock when typing, stop Power/Sleep keys. "
- From ByteGems.com Software
If one were to comprise the list of keys most hated by computer users, it would include Caps Lock, Win key and Sleep keys at the very top. While these are very helpful indeed, computer users (and gamers especially) frequently press them by accident, which can be and most often is quite irritating. To this day there has been only one solution - flat head screwdriver that removed unwanted keys (we've seen some of these keyboards, indeed). But now there is a new formidable competitor on the market - a software utility with a telling name I Hate This Key.
The program can customize any system-wide keys on any keyboard. This means deactivating a key completely (a very popular option for Caps Lock), customizing them (for example, activating Caps Lock only when pressed twice or held down), F-Lock inversion option for the functional keys (F1 through F12), forbidding deactivating of Num Lock, and allowing game users to block infamous Windows Logo key along with system-wide key combinations (like Win+D) while playing games.
Here's a list of keys that are controlled by I Hate This Key:
* Windows Logo key: this key could be blocked at all or blocked only when you playing full-screen games; Windows Logo key combinations (like Win+D) will be blocked along with Windows Logo key;
* Apps menu key;
* Caps Lock and Num Lock keys: these keys can be blocked at all or set to activating only when pressed twice or held down for a while; you will also be able to forbid deactivating of Num Lock, if you want;
* F-Lock key: if you tired to turn on F-Lock key manually on every computer startup, then this program will help you - your functional keys will work even if F-Lock is turned off!
* Power and Sleep keys: the program will disable Power and Sleep keys on your keyboard instead of turning your computer off!
Hate your keyboard? You're not alone: our program was even featured on TechTV channel! Try it now and make keyboard your friend!
Limitations in downloadable version
Nag screen
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