A free useful tool for forum downloading, reading and posting in offline mode.
Advanced tool for FoxPro and MS SQL databases conversion in both directions.
Bi-directional DB conversion tool for MySQL and MS FoxPro databases.
Bi-directional DB conversion tool for MS Access and MS FoxPro databases
Bi-directional database conversion tool for MS Access and MS SQL Server.
Bi-directional effective conversion tool for MS Access and MySQL databases.
Bi-directional effective conversion tool for MS Access and PostgreSQL databases.
Convert Excel data/sheets to MySQL database and back to MS Excel with DBConvert.
Bi-directional efficient conversion tool for MS SQL and MySQL databases.
Bi-directional database conversion tool for MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.
Efficient PHP web form creator to build simple and clean web interface for your local and remote MySQL databases.
Convert MS Access forms to ASP.NET WEB-pages + MS SQL backend with AJAX support.
Allows you to convert Microsoft Access forms to your WEB-page.
Convert your Microsoft Access forms to php+PgSQL driven WEB-pages using AJAX.
Bi-directional synchronization and convertion for MS FoxPro and MS SQL databases.
Bi-directional synchronization and convertion for MS FoxPro and MySQL databases.
Bi-directional synchronization and conversion for MS Access and FoxPro databases.
Bi-directional synchronization and convertion for MS Access and MS SQL Server.
Bi-directional convertion and synchronization of MS Access and MySQL databases.
Effective synchronization tool for MS Access and PostgreSQL databases.
Bi-directional synchronization tool for MS SQL and MySQL databases.
Bi-directional database synchronization tool for MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.
CharMap .NET control for character selection, Character Map in your application.
A .NET control for color sampling and mixing.
.NET control for choosing color from any screen region.
Font picker .NET control, arrange and manage fonts with ease.
.NET control for zooming meant for software developers.
Freeware addon meant to skin NSIS install packages.
A reliable tool for zooming, screen capture and color picking.
Allows developers to create easily skinnable applications.
A developer tool for MSI install packages skinning.
Skinning library for .NET applications.