RAGE Sitemap Automator 2.3

Program Specifications

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RAGE Sitemap Automator 2.3
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Version: 2.3
Size: 5.28 MB
Publisher: RAGE Software
Date Added:
License [?]: Shareware (USD$29.95 to buy)
Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Mac OS X
Requirements: Window XP or later, Mac OS X 10.4 or later
Download Links: Download RAGE Sitemap Automator
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Publisher's Description of RAGE Sitemap Automator

" Instantly publish your XML sitemap to FTP or MobileMe and submit your website to search engines with XML Sitemaps. "
- From RAGE Software

Don't wait for search engines to find your website among the billions of others trying to attract their attention. Lead them through your websites with specially formatted XML Sitemap files.

Sitemap Automator makes it so easy to create XML Sitemap files that tell search engines all about your website including which pages to index, how often to come back for fresh, new content, and how important each page on your website is. It takes the hassle out of submitting your website to search engines by automatically notifying major search engines when your XML Sitemap file has changed. Best of all, with these XML Sitemap files search engines give you important submission feedback such as the top keywords your website will appear for in their index and who is linking to your website.

Just enter your website address and Sitemap Automator will take care of the rest, generating Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask.com compliant Sitemaps allowing you to take control of how search engines treat your webpages. Whether you built your website by hand, in Dreamweaver, Rapidweaver, or iWeb, Sitemap Automator will work for you.

Help search engines with their job so they can attract more visitors to your website!

* Powerful Filters Do All The Work For You
* Create Your XML Sitemap In Minutes & Get Indexed by Search Engines Today
* Instantly Publish Your XML Sitemap to your FTP Server or MobileMe
* Quickly Add & Edit Important Web Page Meta Details
* See Exactly Where Your Website Appears In Search Engines
* Find Out Why Your Website is Not Appearing In Search Engines
* Control How Often Google Scans Your Website
* See Exactly How Many Websites Link To You
* Find Out How Websites Link To You
* See How Fast Your Website Loads

Limitations in downloadable version

Only allows up to 25 links in an XML Sitemap; Disables notification to search engines.

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xml   |  sitemap   |  google   |  webmaster   |  tools   |  bing   |  yahoo   |  seo   |  search   |  engine   |  optimization   

(XML Tools)

Xml2PDF Workstation 2.5
XSL-FO, SVG, XHTML and WordML to PDF formatting engine.
(All Categories)

1. FastSum
2. FastSum Standard Edition
3. A Complete Pay-per-Click Marketing Guide
4. The Major Arcana of the Tarot
5. Block Attribute Modifier
6. ThaiTrainer111
7. Word2html LT
8. HindiPad
9. 110 Hilarious Jokes
10. Adware Spyware Removal

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