Visual Importer

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Visual Importer
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Size: 6.79 MB
Publisher: DB Software Laboratory
Date Added:
License [?]: Shareware (USD$100.00 to buy)
Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows 98, Windows 2003, Windows 2000
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Publisher's Description of Visual Importer

" Imports data into Oracle, SQL Server, ODBC, from flat files, cross tables or ODBC. "
- From DB Software Laboratory

Now You Can Load 14,347 Records A Second With The Easy-To-Use Visual Importer ETL

If you regularly export, transform or load database data, Visual Importer ETL is designed to
Save you time.

It does this in three ways:
Time Saver #1: Processing Speed

Using Visual Importer ETL Standard version, you can load a delimited text file into
MS SQL Sever via BCP 500000 lines in... 34 seconds!

That's 14,347.58 records per second.
Time Saver #2 Compatibility and Versatility

Processing speed is important, but it's not much use if you have to fiddle around with your data to get it into the right format.

So, we made sure Visual Importer works with almost all data formats you might be using.
It works with...

* Multiple Delimited or Fixed width Text files
* Multiple Excel files + Multiple Excel Spreadsheets
* Multiple MS Access Databases + Multiple Tables
* Multiple DBF Files
* Multiple Tables
* MS Sql Server
* Oracle Database
* MySql
* PostgreSql
* Interbase/Firebird
* Any ODBC Database

Visual Importer is a simple ETL tool


The latest version now allows you to load data from Utf8, Utf16BE, Utf16LE files with or without BOM.
There is full support for international characters for ODBC connections, MS SQL Servers and Oracle databases.
Unlike Oracle SQL loader, BCP, DTS or SSIS Visual Importer ETL can also add new and update old records based on user-defined key.

Time Saver #3 Ease Of Use

Because Visual Importer ETL was especially designed for non-technical users, it can be picked up in as little as 10 minutes...

I had my first upload running within 10 minutes of installing Visual Importer ETL"
Gene Kovacs, Director of Technical Business Operations, A2B

Source Data Filtering, Multiple source tables and files. Unlike Oracle SQL loader, BCP, DTS or SSIS, Visual Importer can also add new and update old records based on the user-defined key.

Limitations in downloadable version

30-day trial.

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load data into the database   |  dts   |  ssis   |  etl   |  oracle   |  ms sql server   |  bcp   |  sql loader   |  odbc   |  datawarehouse   |  oracle warehouse builder   

(Databases and Networks)

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A program for easy visual constructing hard SQL-query for any database and write it.
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Bi-directional effective conversion tool for MS Access and MySQL databases.
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Detects the differences between two SQL database schemas and synchronizes them.
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Schedule automatic backup, compact and archive of Access databases.
(All Categories)

1. FastSum
2. FastSum Standard Edition
3. A Complete Pay-per-Click Marketing Guide
4. The Major Arcana of the Tarot
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7. Word2html LT
8. HindiPad
9. 110 Hilarious Jokes
10. Adware Spyware Removal

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