Constable Authorization Engine

Program Specifications

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Constable Authorization Engine
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Size: 2.08 MB
Publisher: LaMarvin
Date Added:
License [?]: Shareware (USD$295.00 to buy)
Operating System: Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows 98, Windows 2003, Windows 2000
Requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1
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Publisher's Description of Constable Authorization Engine

" Role-based authorization solution for .NET business application developers. "
- From LaMarvin

Constable Authorization Engine (CAZE) is a .NET Framework class library for managing and using application-defined authorization policies easily and efficiently.

The CAZE authorization policy is stored as a XML document and it represents a set of authorization rules associated with an application or an object. The authorization policy consists of roles, states, actions, properties and authorization rules. The authorization policy is manipulated and queried by calling the CAZE API from within an application.

CAZE leverages the .NET's role-based authorization model and employs table-driven, finite-state machine techniques, making the application's authorization-related logic centralized, explicit and unambiguous. This improves application's security, reduces code complexity and enables introduction of automated testing techniques.

CAZE is implemented in verifiable C# code and it has been designed for use in the application's business tier. CAZE doesn't mandate any particular design or implementation approach.

Limitations in downloadable version

The evaluation version allows only up to four roles to be defined in a single authorization policy.

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