" Creating (in WYSIWYG mode) and printing labels with texts, barcodes, images, lines and rectangles. "
- From Cellard Software
EasyBarCodeLabels is a labelling software for creating (in WYSIWYG mode) and printing labels with texts, barcodes, images, lines and rectangles.
In English, French, Italien, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Croatian...
Each element can be easily resized or moved with the mouse.
Characteristics (such as size, color, position) are easy to modify.
Features a checksum generator for barcodes types EAN13, EAN8, EAN14, SSCC and UPC-C.
Will generate EAN13 , EAN8 , Code39, Code128 (A,B,C) , code_2_5 , Code93, CodeMSI , PostNet , Codabar , UPC (A,E0,E1,S2,S5) and EAN128 (SSCC , EAN14...) barcodes.
In addition to printing labels, this software can also be used to print other types of documents such as business cards.
Unicode Support