Soccer Star V1.0

Program Specifications

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Soccer Star V1.0
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Version: V1.0
Size: 6.50 MB
Publisher: Soccergameonline
Date Added:
License [?]: Shareware (USD$19.95 to buy)
Operating System: Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows 2003, Windows 2000
Requirements: Win9X,2000,2003
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Publisher's Description of Soccer Star

" Fight to achieve an essential position for yourself in the football world, "
- From Soccergameonline

In this soccer simulation, you are a young and very gifted forward. Now you're getting the chance to play in premier league. Choose your character, motherland and customize your skills. When the game start, Only a few clubs offer contracts to you. Fight to achieve an essential position for yourself in the football world, by scoring in league, UEFA Euro, UEFA Championship Cup or World Cup. You gain experience points (EXPs) from matches or training, when pass a threshold number of experience points, you move to next level. At the same time, you get a few skill points to spend on your skills and become more and more powerful. But your energy decreases as you get old ,so don't waste your time, be the super star before you retire!

Limitations in downloadable version

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