Jaiva Dharma 1.08
Program Specifications
Publisher's Description of Jaiva Dharma
" Jaiva Dharma, A conclusive and meaningful discussion. "
- From Bhaktivedanta Trust Inc (BHAKTI)
The groundbreaking spiritual novel by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Jaiva dharma reveals the ultimate development of the path of pure devotion to the English speaking world. Jaiva Dharma gives an unprecedented and poignant analysis of many vital topics, such as, bhagavata tattva, the truth regarding Sri Bhagavan, jiva tattva, the truth regarding the jivas, sakti tattva, the truth regarding Bhagavans potencies, the conditioned and liberated states of the jivas, a comparative study of the nature of karma, jnana and bhakti, a conclusive and meaningful discussion of the distinguishing characteristics of regulated and spontaneous devotional service, vaidhi and raganuga bhakti, and the supreme excellence of sri nama bhajana, chanting the holy names. All these topics are discussed in terms of sambandha, our relationship with God, abhidheya, acting in that relationship, and prayojana, the ultimate goal or perfection.
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